Terms and Conditions

General Information

The Visual Power Grid Company

Kajerødvej 15

3460 Birkerød


Danish Company Registration Number (CVR no.): 35727396

Phone: +45 4080 2747

Email: hello@visualpowergrid.com


The Visual Power Grid Company makes reservations for any errors in its stated prices. Furthermore, we reserve the right to change prices without prior consent. We make reservations about the availability of our products in case of sold out items. The customer pays any duties, taxes, and fees associated with import of the purchased goods into their own country. No such payments apply to purchases made within the European Union.


The Visual Power Grid Company receives payment by bank transfer. All amounts are in EUR. Unless otherwise stated, prices include VAT. Reservations are made for price errors and sold out / discontinued items.


Once The Visual Power Grid Company receives an order, we send an electronic invoice (email) to the customer. We kindly ask that the invoice is paid within 14 days of its receipt. Goods are shipped to the customer as soon as possible after payment is received. If the full payment has not been received within the payment period, The Visual Power Grid Company will reserve the right to cancel the order.

The Visual Power Grid Company ships orders to the whole world, but reserves the right not to ship goods to areas where transportation costs are deemed excessive in relation to the price of the purchase. The Visual Power Grid Company defines transportation costs as excessive when the total freight price available to us exceeds 20% of the purchase price. Items will be delivered at the delivery address stated specified by the customer or to nearest delivery point. Your goods will be shipped by The Danish National Postal Service (Post Nord), GLS, or another carrier. Note: If it is not possible for the carrier to deliver at the specified point of delivery, the package will be moved to the nearest point of delivery, which you will be notified about. Should you experience any problems delivery of your order, please contact customer service at hello@visualpowergrid.com.


Danish law applies to purchases made from this website and The Visual Power Grid Company. The Purchasing Act’s rules on deficiencies apply. The right of complaint applies to material defects and / or fabrication. Requests for exchange, refund and discounts will be evaluated on an individual basis depending on the exact situation at hand. The complaint does not apply to errors or damage incurred by incorrect handling of the product by the customer. Any complaints must be made within a “reasonable time” after discovering the defect and no longer than 14 days of your receipt of the product The Visual Power Grid Company will cover return costs to a reasonable extent and up to EUR 10. Upon complaint receipt by the The Visual Power Grid Company and approval for return of the product and cancellation of the order, please return the product to:

The Visual Power Grid Company

Kajerødvej 15

3460 Birkerød


No shipments are received by Cash On Delivery.


In the case of a refund, The Visual Power Grid Company will ask you for international bank account details so that the agreed amount can be transferred. This information can be disclosed without risk by email or other electronic form as it is not sensitive information and will only be used for our fulfillment of the refund.


The Visual Power Grid Company offers a 14 day full ‘change of mind’ return policy for goods purchased in our webshop. The 14 day period is counted from the day you receive the order. You must bear the return costs yourself. Cancellation must be notified to us within 14 days of order receipt, and you must return the goods to us within 14 days of your notification. The notification must be given by email at hello@visualpowergrid.com. In this email, you must clearly state that you wish to exercise your right to cancel the order. If you would like to return the item to us, please use the cancellation form template which may be found at https://www.consumereurope.dk/menu/laws/danish-laws/the-danish-consumer-contracts-act/ (found under “schedule 3”).

Please ship items to:

The Visual Power Grid Company

Kajerødvej 15

3460 Birkerød


You may not cancel your purchase by refusing to receive the item, and you must give us clear notice of your cancellation. Purchases are exempt from the right of cancellation if:

— The goods supplied are made to the consumer’s specifications or are clearly personalised.

— The good supplied, according to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other items after delivery.

— Non-financial services if performance of the service has begun with the consumer’s prior express consent and acknowledgement that he will lose the right to cancel once the service has been fully performed.

— The supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if performance of the service has begun with the consumer’s prior express prior consent and acknowledgement that the right to cancel will be lost.


You must return your item(s) without undue delay and within 14 days of receipt to exercise your right of cancellation. You are responsible for the cost of returning items including shipping. You are also responsible for the items being properly wrapped. You must attach a copy of the invoice with your return shipment. Expedition of the return will also proceed faster if you fill in and attach the cancellation form template found at https://www.consumereurope.dk/menu/laws/danish-laws/the-danish-consumer-contracts-act/ (found under “Schedule 3”). Note that you are solely responsible for the item(s) to be returned from the time of delivery until The Visual Power Grid Company has confirmed receipt of the returned item(s).

Please note that The Visual Power Grid Company will not accept mail sent using Cash On Delivery.

The condition of the item(s) upon return: You are only liable for any deterioration in the value of the item(s) due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and manner of operation of the goods. You can in other words, try the item as if you tried it in a physical store. If the item is tried in addition to that described above, it is considered used. This means that upon cancellation of the order, you will only receive part or none of the purchase amount depending on the item(s) trade value at the time of receipt of the return. The seller is the competent authority in making assessments about the trade value of returned items. To receive reimbursement of the entire amount paid, you must only try out the item without actually using it.


If you cancel your purchase as per ‘change of mind’ cancellation, you will be reimbursed for the total amount you paid as long as the item(s) are undamaged. In the event of any impairment or damage for which you are liable, appropriate deductions will be made from the total amount paid. By using the cancellation right, all payments received from you are refunded, but not the delivery costs associated with transporting the goods to you in connection with your initial purchase. These transport costs are included in the price you pay for the product. You bear the costs associated with the return of the goods back to The Visual Power Grid Company. You must return the goods to us without undue delay and within 14 days from the date you have informed us that you plan to exercise the right of cancellation. The return deadline is met if you return the goods before the expiry of the 14 day return period.

Note that you are solely responsible for the item(s) to be returned from the time of delivery until The Visual Power Grid Company has confirmed receipt of the returned item(s). Reimbursement is made using the same payment method you used for the purchase transaction, unless you have explicitly agreed otherwise with The Visual Power Grid Company. The Visual Power Grid Company reserve the right to withhold the refund until we have received the item(s).

Privacy Policy

In order for you to enter into an agreement with The Visual Power Grid Company and make purchases in our webshop, we will need the following information about you:

— Your name.

— Delivery address (also billing address if you choose).

— Phone number.

— Email address.

— Company name and VAT number (if you choose)

— Information about what you bought.

— Any comments you choose to provide.

The Visual Power Grid Company will process your personal data for the purpose of delivering the goods to you and to be able to process inquiries regarding your purchase. Treatment of your personal data is carried out in accordance with The Visual Power Grid Company’s privacy policy (see below), which details how your information is processed, when it is deleted, and what rights you have as registered.

Complaints – overview and links

If you wish to make a complaint about a product purchased in our webshop, and the issue cannot be resolved by contacting The Visual Power Grid Company, you may register a complaint with:

Complaint Resolution Centre (‘Center for Klageløsning’)

Boards House

Toldboden 2

8800 Viborg


Complaints may also be submitted online to the Complaints Resolution Centre via this link:


If you are a consumer resident in another EU country, you may register your complaint via the European Commission’s online complaint platform. The platform can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ If you file a complaint here, please inform them our email address (hello@visualpowergrid.com).

Privacy Policy of The Visual Power Grid Company

The Visual Power Grid Company collects personal data only in cases where this is relevant to us, and we will only collect personal data if relevant to your activity with us. When collecting, processing and using your personal data, The Visual Power Grid Company will always comply with all relevant regulations. We will only retain your personal data as long as we are either legally required to do so, or as long as it is relevant to the purpose for which the data was collected.

Information we collect

If you wish to buy and receive a product or service from us, we will need to collect certain personal data in order to complete the transaction and to offer you our services. We may use cookies to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart while using our webshop. We may collect information such as name, email address, delivery address, billing address, phone number and payment information. The Visual Power Grid Company collects and processes your personal data when you do the following:

— Visit our website.

— Purchase one of our products.

The data controller

The data controller for the collection, processing and use of your personal data on www.visualpowergrid.com is The Visual Power Grid Company, Kajerødvej 15, 3460 Birkerød, Denmark. CVR number: DK35727396.

Basis for our treatment of data and its purpose

The Visual Power Grid Company will collect your regular contact information such as name and address in order to provide the product or service that you purchased from us. We collect your email address in order to send you an invoice and delivery information. If you pay for your product or service online, we collect your name, payment card data and IP address. The information collected in connection with the payment transaction is used and stored only for payment settlement and fulfillment of the agreement. When making online payments, some of your data will be transferred to a third party, such as a bank or other payment processor, including the information needed to complete or support the payment, such as the total purchase amount and billing information. If you do not want to provide the personal data required to complete a purchase product, you will unfortunately not be able to buy products from us on our website. Your personal data will be deleted within 5 years of your receipt of your goods or service.

Other recipients of personal data

The Visual Power Grid Company does not sell your personal data to third parties. We use external companies as suppliers to deliver our services in the best possible way, and in some cases these suppliers may process your personal data in their provision of service to us. The Visual Power Grid Company’s website is hosted by simply.com and we use the online payment processing facility at yourpay.io. All personal data that you provide on our website will be stored in simply.com data centers. Our data processors only process personal data according to our instructions and in accordance with the requirements of the legislation relevant to said data processors. We have entered into data processor agreements with our data processors, and we guarantee that they will comply with applicable rules regarding the protection of your personal data.

Your rights

As a person registered in our system, you have a number of rights that we must ensure to uphold at all times. You have the right to request the following:

— To access and correct / change your personal data.

— To delete personal data.

You also have the right to protest the processing of your personal data and you have the right to file a complaint with a data protection authority.

If you no longer wish for us to process your personal data, or to restrict the processing your personal information, you may send your request to our email address: hello@visualpowergrid.com.

Cookie and Privacy Policy at The Visual Power Grid Company


When you visit The Visual Power Grid Company’s website, information about you is collected. Below, we have elaborate on what information is collected, its purpose, and which third parties will have access to this information.


The website uses cookies, which are text files that are stored on your computer, mobile or other device with the purpose of recognising the device, remembering settings, and performing statistics. Cookies cannot contain malicious code such as virus. It is possible to delete or block cookies, but if you do so, you may experience that our website does not work optimally and there may be content that you cannot access.

General information about personal data

Personal data is any kind of information that may be attributed to you to some extent. When you use our website we collect and process a number of personal details. It happens, for example, when you access content, if you sign up for a newsletter, participate in competitions or

surveys, register as a user or subscriber, use other services or make purchases through the website. We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographic location, and which pages you click on (interests). By ordering the book ’ The Visual Power Grid Company’ using our order form, you explicitly consent that we can process the following details about you: name, telephone number, email, delivery address, billing address, and payment details.


The Visual Power Grid Company will process your personal information securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable Danish legislation, including the Personal Data Regulation and the Data Protection Act. Your information will only be used for the purposes for which it was collected and it will be deleted when this purpose is fulfilled or no longer relevant. We have taken technical and organisational measures to avoid that your information is accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, impaired, or that it becomes accessible to unauthorised persons, abused or otherwise treated in violation of the law.


The information is used to identify you as a user, and to be able to provide the services you have requested. In addition, we use the information to optimise our services and content. Period of storage: The information is stored for the period permitted by law and we delete it when it is no longer needed. Exactly how long we keep your information for depends on the nature of the information and the purpose for storing it. Therefore, it is not possible to specify a general time frame for when information is deleted.

Disclosure of information

We use a number of third parties to store and process data. These treat information only on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes. Disclosure of personal information such as name and email etc. will only happen if you consent to that. We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide your information the adequate protection.

Insights and complaints

You have the right to know what personal information we process about you in a regular format (data portability). You may object at any time to the use of this information. You may also revoke your consent to our processing information about you. If the information that is processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Please contact hello@visualpowergrid.com if you want to change or delete your information or to complain about our processing your personal data. You also have the opportunity to contact the Danish Data Protection Agency (https://www.datatilsynet.dk/english/).


The Website is owned and published by:

The Visual Power Grid Company

Kajerødvej 15

3460 Birkerød


Phone: +45 4080 2747

Email: hello@visualpowergrid.com